Two new embroidery patterns

So finally a moment to catch up!  Building a new website is hard work.  Changing everything didn't go quite as smoothly as I had hoped and in fact one of the main problems I had was that once I switched the domain name over, I lost all the photos from all the blog postings - rather frustrating when initially they transferred over (much to my astonishment) all intact.   Anyhow, I am working my way through and popping all the images back where I can.  This blog is precious to me as it the story of my stitching life over the last few years and I want to keep it as a record of all my work.  One thing that I have realised over the last weeks of doing this, is just how much sewing I have actually done.  However, I have to say that I am thrilled with how the new website looks and am working on the shop as well, so hopefully it will all come together in good time.

Meanwhile, I have two new patterns up in the Etsy shop.  They are part of a series of 4 'hashtag' patterns and I hope you will like them.   I love this modern way of organising things in the digital world and hashtags seem to be so much part of life now that I decided to use them for a collection of patterns which reflect different emotions.  #Remember and #Explore are the first two patterns.

Hashtag Remember Embroidery Pattern

Hashtag Remember Embroidery Pattern

These new designs are meant to be very versatile and I will be using them in other ways to show you how you can adapt them to make special handmade projects and gifts.  For example, this design looks rather cool as a book cover, especially if you add in a beautiful ribbon bookmark.

Book Covers.JPG

The second design is really for the adventurer in you.  I am really enamoured with the little hatbox bag on this one!

Hashtag Explore Embroidery Pattern

Hashtag Explore Embroidery Pattern

This design seemed to be telling me that it needed to be put on a bag and it worked beautifully don't you think?

Explore Bag 5.jpg

They are available as pdf downloadable patterns (just click on the Etsy button at the bottom to go to the shop) at the moment, but printed patterns and kits will be ready soon. 

There are two more designs to come...they won't be long...  hope you will pop back next time to take a peep.

Meanwhile, happy weekend and thanks for finding me in my new little patch of cyberspace!

Ruby x

Explore yellow.JPG